Friday, August 10, 2007

Yerushalmi Kugel

Ever go to the kosher market or deli and buy a Yerushalmi kugel because it looks good, but then you get it home, taste it, and it has no taste? That's because it's harder to make than other kugels since you have to caramelize the sugar (that means melting it in a pan until it liquifies and turns medium brown) and most restaurants don't take the time to do this. Instead they use brown sugar, and never enough of it.

Anyway, this Shabbos is Shabbos Mevarchim HaChodesh (Elul, people!), and there is a tradition, at least in Israel, to eat Yerushalmi Kugel on Shabbos Mevarchim (don't ask me why; I have no idea - I just love the kugel! Maybe it has something to do with the sweetness of this kugel and asking for a sweet month...). In any case, here's my mom's recipe, which is one I've never had to tweak because it's perfect just as it is...:)

Yerushalmi Kugel

What you'll need:

1 package of fine (really thin) noodles - cook slightly salted in water
Oil (I use canola oil)
Salt and Pepper

While noodles cook, caramelize sugar in pan - enough sugar to cover surface of a large pan - on a Medium/Low flame. You might want to start the sugar about five or ten minutes before you start the noodles. To caramelize sugar, stir often. It will begin to liquify. Make sure ALL the sugar is melted. 

When noodles are done, strain in colander, rinse and strain again.

Put in bowl and add:
1/2 cup oil
Pepper to taste
1/2 cup white sugar
Pinch of salt (or more, to taste, but don't overdo it)
Mix all these together BEFORE pouring in the caramelized sugar)
Caramelized sugar (pour slowly, mix while pouring the caramelized sugar - You might want to consider an extra set of hands for this step)
6 eggs - The eggs ABSOLUTELY have to in AFTER the caramelized sugar, otherwise you'll end up cooking the eggs and they won't do the kugel any good as an omelette...:)

Mix it all up (this isn't easy and may need two hands - the caramelized sugar begins to harden immediately, so you need to mix QUICKLY!), pour in pan, cover, bake on for about 1 hour 350. Half hour before it's done, uncover to let the kugel brown on top. This kugel is REALLY delicious, so try not to eat it all up before Shabbos!! :)

Have a wonderful, "G'bentchte" Chodesh!! And a Great Shabbos!!!


Anonymous said...

Yummy! Very delicious.

Good Shabbos!

BHCh said...

I can cook! I make one hell of a mean cereal every single morning.

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

I have a great recipe for wife keeps me far away from the kitchen.

She'd rather let our 11 year old (girl) or even our 7 year old (girl) cook and bake before me.

Can't say I blame her :)

Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...

Cereal's a good start! Ice cubes are even better!!

And, I keep my wife away from my kitchen!! :)

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